Friday 15 January 2010

What's your bedroom like?

Hello everyone!

I live in a terraced house in a village near Alcochete. My house is not very modern but it is very comfortable. The most comfortable room in the house is my bedroom.
I have a large bed. Next to it there are two bedside tables. On the bedside tables there are two lamps and over the bed I have two paintings. On the left of the bed there is a window with curtains and on the right I have a large chest-of-drawers. There is a huge wardrobe in front of the bed and next to it a bookcase where I keep my favourite books. Between the bookcase and the bed I have an armchair where I like to sit and enjoy the sun coming through the window.
In my bedroom there is also a bathroom.

What about your bedroom? What is it like?

Don't forget important details:

- Prepositions of place
- Verb to have
- Verb there to be

Use differente sentence structures. For example:

There is a huge wardrobe in front of my bed
I have a huge wardrobe in front of my bed
In front of my bed there is a huge wardrobe
In front of my bed I have a huge wardrobe

1 comment:

  1. . Hello everyone !!!!
    . I live in a detached house in a village near Alcochete. My house is very modern and confortable. The most comfortable room in the house is my bedroom.
    . I have a large bed, over the bed there are two racks where I keep my stuff.
    . On the right of the bed I have a bookcase where I keep my books, because I love reading.
    . On the left of the bed, there is another bookcase, but this time there I keep things secret …
    . In front of bookcase ( left), I have a desk, on the desk there is a blue lamp, over the desk, I have a picture of my dog , his name is Jake, I love him.
    . Under my bed there is a carpet.
    . I love my bedroom.

    .Ana Maia Turma: 7º I Ps: professora venho a comunicar que não consegui colocar a imagem, por isso vou levá-la para a próxima aula, que é quinta-feira, 8 de Novembro de 2012
