Sunday 28 February 2010

GRAMMAR: Present Simple or Continuous?

USE 1: Repeated actions / Routines

Expressions of time: adverbs of frequency (always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely/seldom, never); every week; every Sunday...

Examples:I play tennis every weekend.
The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
She always forgets her book.

USE 2: Facts / Generalizations

Cats like milk.
California is in America.
Windows are made of glass.


USE 1: Actions happening now / at the moment of speaking

Examples:You are learning English now.
At the moment they are reading their books.
Look! He is doing his homework.

USE 2: Longer actions in progress now

Expressions of time: today; this week; this month; this year...

I am studying to become a doctor.
This week I am reading the book Tom Sawyer.

Non-Continuous Verbs

These verbs are usually things you cannot see somebody doing. 
They include:
Abstract Verbs: to be, to want, to cost, to seem, to need, to care, to contain, to owe, to exist...
Possession Verbs: to possess, to own, to belong...
Emotion Verbs: to like, to love, to hate, to dislike, to fear, to envy, to mind...

He is needing help now. Not Correct
He needs help now. Correct

He is wanting a drink now.
Not Correct

He wants a drink now. Correct

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